Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Parents/guardians may report a student's absence at this school in one of the following ways:
How to Clear an Absence
Authorized Absence:
DR NOTES - can be submitted via email, fax or turned in to the attendance office.
TARDY PASSES - Please call 327-1000, option 2 before your student arrives or check in with Attendance office
OFF CAMPUS PASSES - Please call in to request a pass 327-1000, option 2 the morning of or at least 1 hour prior to student pick-up to help expedite student check-out.
Pre-approved Absence Request – Please contact Paulette Lopez at 327-1327.
Pre-Approved Absence must be for at least 5 days, and no more than 15 days with counselor’s approval. Parents must initiate the process 5 days in advance.
It is well established that faithful and regular attendance in school is related to student progress and achievement. In order for your child to do his or her very best, it is important that he/she be in school as many days as possible.
Since September 1998, SB727 has been in effect, which changes how schools receive funding for attendance. School funding is now based on actual attendance of students and funding will no longer be given for excused absences. The new law is intended to increase student attendance.
For both educational and financial reasons, we need your help in making sure your child has good attendance. There are times when it is necessary for a child to miss school. For example, we do not recommend that a child come to school if he or she is ill or could spread his or her illness to others. We need your help in minimizing all other absences.
Please note that parents are required to clear absences. Parents must clear absences prior to 5 days otherwise the absence will remain as uncleared and be considered truant. Under the law, schools must continue to track all absences and report them to the state.
Our procedure is a period by period attendance check, which is posted by each individual teacher. Each day, we know the period or periods that a student has missed. When a student is absent, students and parents should adhere to the following procedure.