What is IDAC?
Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC) draws members from the community to represent Clovis High school at the district level climate assessment/problem-solving meetings. The primary purpose of the Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC), originally formed in 1988 as the Intercultural Advisory Council, is to assist in the formation and review of policies that assure non-discriminatory practices in all operational areas of the Clovis Unified School District. Its further mission is to assist in improving the cultural environment of Clovis High school and the district.
Next Meetings:
@ 9:45 am K01 or Zoom (must RSVP for link)
2024-2025 IDAC Agendas
2024-2025 IDAC Minutes
Clovis High School strives to promote acceptance, understanding, and interaction of ALL students and staff. Through an ongoing effort to educate students to understand the needs of ALL students, we seek to ensure these qualities are pervasive aspects of the climate and culture of Clovis High School.
Mosaic Assembly
Clovis High's annual Mosaic Assembly is presented to the entire campus each spring. Members of the various cultural performance clubs and teams showcase dances unique to their heritage. This assembly is a celebration of the way that students' unique cultures come together to form one inspiring image that we are fortunate enough to call Clovis High School. In addition to performing for the entire Clovis High School student body, the performers at each year's Mosaic Assembly also perform for the 5th grade students from all eight Clovis High Area feeder elementary schools.
Cultural Success Conferences
Each year, Clovis Unified hosts various conferences celebrating the vast array of cultures and people that make make up our district. Through the cultural clubs at Clovis High School, Cougars are helping to plan, organize, and facilitate these first-class events. We anticipate high rates of attendance at this year's conferences, as at last year's conferences.
2023-24 Conference Dates:
Family Groups
Every month, time is set aside for second period classes to engage in Family Group lessons. Family Group lessons are intentionally designed to get students interacting with their peers. The lessons often deal with topics intended to promote good citizenship and reinforce the characteristics of model Cougars.
Collaborative Mentoring
This course is designed for General Education (Mentor) students who desire to help others who have special needs, students with IEPs, or 504 plans. Mentor students will work one-on-one with Special Education students to help them complete a variety of projects. Together, students in this program demonstrate every day what it means to work together to take care of each other and CHS.
Continuing Clovis High’s tradition of seeking student insight and leadership on campus, our student human relations groups strive to promote positive inter-group relations and assistance in problem resolution on campus.
Student Representation
Student IDAC:
Similar to the IDAC meetings held for parents and community members at CHS and at the CUSD offices, Student IDAC is a regular meeting that students are invited to attend to discuss and promote diversity on campus and throughout school-wide initiatives.
Principal's Academic Student Advisory Committee (PASA):
PASA is a group of students from a diverse range of grades, academic, social, and ethnic backgrounds that meet regularly with Principal Stephanie Hanks to discuss campus culture. Members of PASA provide priceless insight into campus life and the social climate around Clovis High School.
InspirEd is a student club whose goal is to bridge the gap between how students feel at school every day and how they want to feel. Through various acts of kindness and service to their peers, the InspirEd members are actively promoting positivity and unity on campus.
Diversity Club:
Diversity Club is a student organization dedicated to promoting positive student relations by encouraging students to embrace and value what make each person unique.
Diversity Council:
Each month, leaders representing Clovis High's wide-range of student clubs and organizations come together to meet and discuss campus life and culture. In addition to coordinating for campus-wide events, the Diversity Council works to ensure that there is a platform for all students to have their voices heard.
9/11 Assembly
Annual 9/1414 remembrance assembly
This annual assembly is intended to honor those lost and look deeper at what unites us.
Clovis High joins schools across Clovis Unified in hosting an annual assembly to honor and remember the lives lost on September 11, 2001. In addition to remembering and honoring those that lost their lives, Clovis High School takes time to reflect on the ways that the nation came together in the wake of tragedy. Students and staff are encouraged to look for ways to be united in purpose with one another.
Cougar Strong
Character Strong
CHS has partnered with Character Strong to being staff development in character education to Clovis High School in preparation for a campus-wide roll out.
Clovis High School is currently in the process of training their staff and students on the principles of Character Strong. Character Strong is an organization that "offer[s] comprehensive solutions for effective, sustainable school culture change." Character Strong will not only promote character education, but will also foster meaningful connections between students built on mutual trust and respect. Cougar Strong will be rolled out campus-wide in 2021-2022 via Family Groups.
Learn more about Character Strong by clicking the link above.
The administration, faculty, and staff of Clovis High School are committed to creating an inclusive environment that supports all students’ academic achievement and social-emotional well-being. Staff professional learning includes regular, ongoing awareness training for all certificated and classified staff members.
Culturally Relevant Teaching Trainings
Every Clovis High teacher has either attended, or will attend, a professional development day to learn Culturally Relevant Teaching strategies. Some of the training opportunities include:
At Transforming Educators and Empowering Students, educators learn expectations and strategies to create a diverse, learning environment. These trainings increase cultural awareness, understanding a culturally responsive environment to transform classrooms and educational environment.
Cougar Strong
Character Strong
CHS has partnered with Charcte Strong to being staff development in character education to Clovis High School in preparation for a campus-wide roll out.
Clovis High School is currently in the process of training their staff and students on the principles of Character Strong. Character Strong is an organization that "offer[s] comprehensive solutions for effective, sustainable school culture change." Character Strong will not only promote character education, but will also foster meaningful connections between students built on mutual trust and respect. Cougar Strong will be rolled out campus-wide in 2021-2022 via Family Groups.
Learn more about Character Strong by clicking the link above.
No Place For Hate
Clovis High School was designated as a No Place for Hate school.
Clovis High School earned the designation of a No Place for Hate school through the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL’s No Place for Hate initiative seeks to provide a framework to “combat bias, bullying and hatred,” in order to achieve a “long-term solution for creating and maintaining a positive climate,” in PreK-12 schools (ADL 2017). The administration, staff, and students of Clovis High worked together to host intentional activities in our established Family Groups (read more about family groups here) as well as through additional school-wide activities. Teachers were trained and delivered these lessons to foster an inclusive and safe community where all students feel respected and are given the opportunity to thrive on campus.
In keeping with Clovis Unified’s core values of “educating students to reach their potential in mind, body, and spirit,” and the belief that we need to “meet the educational needs of all children,” Clovis High is setting out to affirm “all means all” in Clovis Unified. Clovis High wants to unify its campus around the belief that all students have a place to belong here in Cougar Country!