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Clovis High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


2024-2025 Clovis High School Yearbook

Yearbook Tremendous Value


Purchase your Yearbooks
Yearbooks are $80 and can be purchased online using the following link, CHS Yearbook. Get one before they sell out!!
Senior Portraits
Seniors, please submit your portrait by November 22 at 3:15 PM.
Please note that all portraits will be vetted and approved by administration before being printed. Seniors need to be in the following dress code in order for portraits to be put in the yearbook:

  • Students must wear a tie if wearing a collared shirt. 
  • Students may wear a sports/suit jacket. 
  • Shirts, blouses, and dresses must be formal in nature and have sleeves. 
  • No jeans or jeans jackets. 
  • No tank tops, T-shirts, bare shoulders, see-through blouses, or low-cut blouses. 
  • No hats, headbands or sunglasses. 
  • No props are allowed, like sporting equipment, pets, etc.

Larson Brothers will be on campus on October 23rd and 24th for make-ups. Please make sure to communicate with Larson Brothers your choice of photo for the yearbook! If you are a student who did not take your senior pictures with Larson Brothers, please stop by E09 to submit your physical copy, 4x6, yearbook picture to the yearbook advisor, Ms. Garcia, prior to the November 22nd deadline!


Senior Ads
Senior ads can be purchased in the office with Ms. Regalado; payments and ads are due by January 31. Purchases can also be made online using the following link: Senior Ads 24-25. You are responsible for creating and submitting the ad in person to Ms. Garcia in room E09 by the deadline. No refunds for ads that are paid for and not submitted. 
The prices for ads are as follows:
$295- Full page
$195- Half page
Checks can be made out to CUSD.
If you have any questions, Ms. Garcia is available in room E09 or by email: