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Clovis High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


Clovis High Clubs and Student Organizations

“As part of its educational mission for students, Clovis Unified School District allows both curriculum and non-curriculum related student clubs to meet at school during non-instructional hours (e.g., before classes begin, during lunch period, club schedule, after classes end). The Governing Board believes that curriculum and non-curriculum-related student organizations can have an important place in students’ lives. Besides extending and reinforcing the instructional program, such groups can give students practice in democratic self-government and civil social discourse, as well as providing social, intellectual, and recreational opportunities.

Non-curriculum-related student clubs and the viewpoints and speech expressed at meeting of such clubs do not necessarily reflect the views of the Clovis Unified School District or the Board of Education.

If eligible under applicable District eligibility standards, your student will have the opportunity to join one or more such clubs and to attend and participate in the meetings of any club that he or she joins. However, you have the right to inform the school in writing of any particular student club in which you do not wish your student to participate.  Consent to participate will be presumed without written notice to the contrary.” (Policy 2505)

If there are any organizations that you do not wish your child to be involved with, please return the form located in your registration packet, during your registration appointment, or you can mail or drop off your request to the Clovis High School Activities Office, 1055 Fowler Avenue, Clovis, CA  93611. Please feel free to contact the Activities Office at 327-1332 if you should have any questions.  

Clovis High School has a wide variety of clubs and organizations for students to choose from, check out what we have to offer and get involved today... there is something for everyone!

Welcome to Cougar Country, Home of the MIGHTY Cougars!

For more than 100 years Clovis High School has had one amazing student body after another, this year is no exception.  The Cougar Spirit is alive and well on campus and is exemplified by our student leadership team.  This year we are lead by an equally amazing group of elected class officers who comprise our Associated Student Body officers and Inter School Council.

Apply To Be Part of Leadership

Interested in a Leadership Elective for next school year? Current High School students APPLY HERE! Applications are due February 28th. Current 8th graders should APPLY HERE! Applications are due March 8th.



Associated Student Body

The Associated Student Body (ASB) Officers, or student government, serves Clovis High School by voicing and addressing student opinions and needs, upholding the Clovis High ASB Constitution, overseeing the expenditures of student funds, raising funds for student engagement, supporting, and recognizing campus clubs and organizations, and sponsoring many school-wide programs and events.


The primary goals of ASB are to create a memorable experience for all students on campus, to promote student body unity and spirit, and to grow as student leaders. ASB actively works to ensure that student activities and campus life are alive and well.  If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, bring them to your student government representatives listed below; these students are here to serve you.


2024-2025 ASB Officers



Makenzie Change


Tanner Russo

Vice President

Lucie Lucas


Quincy Holt


Liliana Perez

Commissioner of Athletics

Lolo Hamilton

Commissioners of Spirit 

Kendra Felix

Commissioner of Performing Arts and Clubs

Joelle Moore

Social Commissioner 

Kameryn Fedele

Commissioner of School Culture

Jayden Marquez

Commissioner of Health and Wellness

Lauren Betterton

Commissioner of Student Involvement & Event Promotion 


Inter-School Council

What is Inter School Council?

This is an extraordinary group of students that collaborates with selected individuals from every high school in Clovis Unified.  They devote a large portion of time and work into school projects. 

2024-2025 ISC Officers

  • Makenzie Chang
  • Kameryn Fedele
  • Savannah Ginther
  • Lucie Lucas
  • Joelle Moore
  • Tanner Russo


Class Officers

Class Officers are responsible for grade-specific events such as Homecoming, rallies, and dances as well as class fundraisers. 


Class of 2025



Savannah Ginther


Eli Pugliese

Vice President 

Taylor Catallo


Lacee Polsgrove

Social Commissioner


Class of 2026



Katelyn Noll


Mark Magsig

Vice President 

Jocelyn Yang


Ava Lopez

Social Commissioner


Class of 2027



Jordan Cheney



Vice President

Will Sherwood


Soryn Sells

Social Commissioner 


Class of 2028



Kinsley Efrid


Amaya Lee

Vice President

Roshan Takhar


Beck Nale

Social Commissioner

CHS Activities Office

Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm M-F

1055 Fowler Ave, Clovis Ca 93611

559-327-1000 ext 71332

or email Julie Ramos