Title: In-class "face-to-face" Information
Dates: Monday-Thursday, June 17 - July 25
No school on Fridays
No school on Wednesday, June 19
No School on Thursday, July 4
Times: 8:30am - 1:00pm
Classes offered (tentative): English 9, English 10, English 11, Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, Biology, Chemistry, PE Core, Foundations of Math 2, Integrated Physical Science
Please contact your counselor if you are unable to attend.
Title: Independent Study Information
Dates: Tuesdays or Wednesdays, June 11 to July 24
Appointment Time Slots: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (one-hour appointments, once per week)
Class will not be held on Wednesday, June 19th; students assigned to that day's meetings will have their appointment rescheduled by the student’s teacher.
Classes offered (tentative): World History, US History, Health, Science 1, Science 2, Art 1, PE Recreation (Elective PE)
Teachers will contact family/student to provide additional information about the class and appointment times. This may not happen until the last week of school (early June) so please be patient! If the teacher has not made contact by June 6, please call the Summer School office.
Title: Original Credit Eligibility
Students must have an impacted schedule (AVID, advanced drama, band, leadership, etc.) the following year AND a 3.0 semester grade-point average to be eligible for summer school.
NOTE ABOUT SOCIAL SCIENCE CLASSES: Students are allowed to take only ONE summer social science course for original credit during their four years of high school. For example, if a student took World History for original credit last summer, they will not be able to take US History for original credit this summer. This rule does not apply to students that need to retake a social science class for credit recovery (see Credit Recovery Eligibility requirements below).
Title: Credit Recovery Eligibility
Students must be enrolled at a Clovis Unified school, need to repeat a course (due to a D or F grade), and/or be deficient in credits/required courses for graduation to be eligible for summer school.
Title: Transportation
Transportation to summer school sites is available to students who have in-person/face-to-face classes only. Please visit our Transportation page for a list of summer transportation bus schedules available at the end of May.