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Clovis High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Academic Teams



group of people wearing casual and business attire in front of building


Academic Decathlon - Advisor: Mikayla Camenson (P08)

Academic Decathlon is widely recognized as the most prestigious academic competition in the United States. Students in Academic Decathlon compete in 10 subjects: math, science, literature, social Science, economics, art, music, speech, interview, and essay.  Students begin preparing over the summer and continue until February.  There are two competition days on a Saturday in late January and/or early February.  During the first day of competition, students deliver their prepared speech, an impromptu speech, and write their essay.  On the second day of competition (a week later) students take the seven subject tests and participate in the live competition called Super Quiz.  After the Super Quiz there is an awards ceremony.  Individual students can earn bronze, silver or gold medals in each category and for each division. Each school can have 9 members on their competing team and the team must be made up of 3 “A” students, 3 “B” students and 3 “C” students.

If you're interested in taking your learning experience to the next level come join us! For more information see Ms. Camenson or visit the United States Academic Decathlon website.


History Day - Advisor: Lindy May (C24)
The CHS Social Science department is proud to offer students an opportunity to compete in the annual History Day competition. National History Day, is a year-long educational program that encourages students to explore local, state, national, and world history. Students compete at the county level and the winners go on to the state and national competitions. Clovis High School has had a long tradition of excellence and success at the History Day competitions.

See Ms. May in room C-24 for more information or visit: National History Day of California.

Math Team - Advisor: Jason Maresh (D26)
Math team members (or mathletes) attend weekly meetings in preparation for two math tournaments that take place on a Saturday in March at CSU Bakersfield and a Saturday in April at Fresno State.  During meetings, mathletes will work on practice problems, ask questions of the previous week’s assignment, and/or take notes on a new mathematical topic. Active participators in the math team receive the following benefits:

  • Sharpened problem-solving skills
  • Instruction in and experience with math concepts not taught in high school math classes.
  • Increased capacity for and ability to apply abstract thinking skills.


Mock Trial - Advisor: Nicole Lewis (Stanford Office)

Mock Trial is a competition team that holds a hypothetical criminal case trial in a court of law. Mock Trial was created to help students acquire a working knowledge of our judicial system, develop analytical abilities and communication skills, to develop the ability to think on their feet, and to gain an understating of their obligations and responsibilities as participating members of society. Each year the Mock Trial team is given a new case that covers issues facing America’s youth of today and compete with teams throughout Fresno County.

Students try out for the team in early fall (no prerequisites). Although, students should be interested in public speaking, building confidence, and a desire to be part of a close-knit team. During tryouts students are given a script from a trial. They are given a few minutes to read over it and practice. Then, they will present their script to the coaches. There are several different jobs on a Mock Trial team. Students could be selected to be anything from an attorney, witness, defendant, bailiff or timekeeper.  All jobs are EQUALLY important to a Mock Trial team’s success!

Practices are twice a week during the fall and then up to four times per week as the competition season begins in late winter/early spring. Typically each team will compete four to six rounds. The winners of the county competition go on to the State Finals in March. For more information or to join our team see Ms. Lewis.


Science Fair - Advisors: Lucas Moldenhauer (C06)

The Clovis High Science Department is proud to offer students the opportunity to participate in the Central Valley Regional Science, Math, and Engineering Fair. The Fair is an annual competition for students in grades 6-12 and provides an opportunity for discourse among like-minded, high-achieving middle and high school students across the Central Valley. The Fair fosters an interest in and an excitement about science, mathematics, and engineering while offering a rewarding competitive setting in which students can showcase their research projects and set the stage for the rest of their academic careers. Students are mentored by their science teachers through the course of the year with the competition occurring in mid-March. The Fair offers students the chance to network with one another as well as professionals in the community. Selected projects are taken to the State competition in Los Angeles where students can win prizes ranging from cash awards, scholarships, and physical items like textbooks and electronic devices.

If you're interested in taking the study of science to the next level or just continuing a project from the past, speak with your science teacher today! For more information on competition dates, deadlines, registration or forms please visit: Regional Science Fair website.


Science Olympiad - Advisor: Doug Warner (E06) and Jillian Jett (C02)
Science Olympiad is an academic competition where students demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of science. Student pairs compete in 23 different events that challenge their knowledge and their skills in genetics, astronomy, chemistry, environmental science, forensic science, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering, and technology.  Science Olympiad team members begin preparation in October for the regional competition at Clovis North High School in March. All interested students are encouraged to join.

Contact your Science teacher today! For more information on teams and tournaments visit Science Olympiad Inc.



Alt text: group of people wearing casual and business attire in front of building