Reserved Seating Football Tickets
Clovis High School sells a Reserved Seating package for each football season. Purchasing Reserved Seating entitles the bearer to seating in the upper deck of Lamonica Stadium for each home football game. The seats in the upper deck have backs and each seat is numbered, so you can select the seat you would like to sit in for the season. It also includes free parking in the North Lot (near tennis courts). There is no limit to how many seats a family can buy. If the team makes the playoffs, you will have the right to purchase your seats for all playoff games. If you do not buy your tickets for playoffs, the seat becomes available to the general public. For more information regarding Reserved Seating, please contact the CHS Athletic Office at 559-327-1329 or The Athletic Office will be closed between 6/14/24 - 8/1/24 for Summer Break. All inquiries during this time will be answered once we return.
Purchase Reserved Seating Tickets
General Admission Tickets
New Ticket Policy: Mobile Payment Only with GoFan
Clovis High School is pleased to announce that we will be using GoFan for mobile ticketing for athletic events. Fans can purchase tickets online through Clovis High School’s GoFan page or at the ticket gate. All major credit cards are accepted, along with Apple Pay.
The new ticketing policy allows CHS to operate a more efficient and professional ticket gate while creating a safer and enhanced fan experience. Buying tickets online allows fans to access and share tickets easily by email or text without standing in line.
Fans are encouraged to buy tickets online prior to reaching the facility. For your convenience, signage will be set up at the venue to help fans navigate an online purchase quickly and easily.
To purchase event tickets, please click the banner above, the link to the right or visit the GoFan website.
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